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Midrash and the Reform Jew Today

An introduction to midrash as a genre and method of engaging in talmud Torah, the study of Torah.

GUCI Green

Examining  T’fillah and Ritual at Goldman Union Camp Institute (GUCI), 1962-1979, and its impact on Jewish youth.

Fringe, Foreign,

and Folk

A more advanced examination of midrash, as manipulating Torah to serve a rabbinic agenda. Genesis Rabbah 24,6 - Centaurs, Demons, and Spirits.

Failure of Principles

Tracing the Work and Failure of the Joint Platform Committee to Produce a “Statement on Principles and Practices of Reform Judaism” in 1973.

If a Snake Offers

You an Apple

An exploration of the snake, the tree of life, and the tree of knowledge and Genesis 3’s implications for human nature.

Examining Kaplan and Soloveitchik

A reflection on the philosophy of Mordecai Kaplan and Joseph Be'er Soloveitchik as pertains to my own philosophy.

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